Monday, February 18, 2013

It begins with me.

Everyone wants to change the world, but no one dares to start the change with himself. This has been probably an enormous and constant conflict since the old times. Indeed, this trouble has given a wrong perspective of how change should be done.

Change can be in small or big forms. Changing a facebook account password or taking part in advocacies in changing the government system to eradicate uprising societal issues concerning the upper class citizens and degrading the lower class citizens. Both are changes, but either ways, it is evident that in promoting change, actions must be taken and it should start from oneself.

A milk bottle cannot fulfill its purpose of feeding the baby if the inner part is unclean. It will be useless even if it's outer  part is very pleasant and well washed. Just like in life, the youth needs personal transformation first before doing certain roles in other developments in their nation. And in line with this, I have developed a simple progression formula. The 3 I's .

If you don't know how to use something, How would you know it's purpose?  You go to the inventor, same with life, how would you know your purpose? GO BACK TO YOUR CREATOR.  I truly believe that we, as a youth, need to secure our identities in God and considering what transformations must we  undergo first before identifying what changes in our nations should be done. Realizing the values and characters we must possess will help us secure ourselves in GOD and not in ourselves. This will cause us to have a well-built foundation that no earthquakes can destroy resulting us to have a dignity and stand straight in viewing issues in our society.

Possessing the identity won't cause any positive change yet. Remember your science class?  Potential energy is different from kinetic energy. Potentials are useless if they won't be turned into actualizations. After having the identity, we will serve and possess the image. We will now be the examples or the stewards of the change we want to see.

When people recognize you not because you are always in the guidance office but because you have a lot of good contributions in your family, school and society, influence will now be established. Influence is definitely the most influential word i've ever heard :) Kidding aside, influence is a humongous word when you have influence, You have a VIP pass to leadership. Leadership is influence but influence may not be leadership. Influence maybe good or bad, either encourage or discourage, You push others to success or pull them down to failure. But of course what i'm referring to what the youth must have is a good influence. Good bears good. Never in my entire life have I seen a mango tree that bears oranges. LOL.  If you will be a living description of good influence and  you will pass it from generation to generation, even with just one youth, it will be a huge effect, Who knows? That person maybe a future mayor of Caloocan? or Governor of Valenzuela? or the President of the Philippines?
The probability maybe less but it is possible.

The youth is the engine of change. We start change. The youth dictates the word that should be worn, what music should be played, What should be eaten during a snack time, even what brand of toothpaste should be used, Therefore, If we, the youth, are the part of the engine, we must be running a very big machine. requires a lot of effort, and good oil for a good run.

My dear readers, I just want to share that writing this article, makes me feel like the world looks at every word i write, Every thought that i think makes me think that i represent the youth that wants to see positive changes in this planet. Before I end, I want you to remember the 3I's , "Identity-Image_Influence". This can be a simple reminder of how we can be good engines. And last i want to encourage each and every readers with this verse found in Joshua 1:9 " strong and courageous, do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for wherever you go  The Lord your God is with you..". We can never teach what we don't know. We can never give what we don't have. But we can offer Him do what He can do.

I am a 20- year old girl, Youth. One of the youth people who battles for personal and social transformations. Through this essay, i know i can make a positive change.I am proud that i have given the privilege to write not only an article but encouragement as well..

" Everyone wants to change the world, and we, as youth, will start it within ourselves."

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