Lalala..~~ just a few question for my self..
- Have you ever:
- 1. Skipped class?
- -- Yeah.. especially when it's math time.. :D.
- 2. Done drugs?
- -- no!
- 3. Self harmed?
- -- Oh yeah -__-
- 4. Drank?
- -- Yes, and wasted. LoL
- 5. Shoplifted?
- -- Never.
- 6. Gotten a tattoo?
- -- Never.
- 7. Broken up with someone?
- -- How about that? haha.
- What's your favorite:
- 8. Show?
- -- Be careful with my heart, i love it..and also the preachings every sunday :D
- 9. Movie?
- -- Korean movies.. :D
- 10. Song?
- Worship songs..
- 11. Tumblr?
- --oopss.. it's mine!
- 12. Singer/Band?
- Kari Jobe, i Love her anointing voice.. and also Chris Tomlin
- 13. Memory?
- --I have a lot of that.
- 14. Book?
- -- Christian Books, And books of Ptr. Ed lapiz
- This or that:
- 15. Invisibility or Ability to fly?
- --Ability to fly. . so that i'll be able to go everywhere.
- 16. Cookies or Cake?
- -- cake! chocolate cakes!
- 17. Twitter or Facebook?
- -- Facebook.
- 18. Movies or Books?
- --Book.. i'm a sleepyhead when i watch movie :D
- 19. Coke or Sprite?
- --Coke.. Happiness!
- 20. Blind or Deaf?
- -- Both.. :'(
- 21. Tea or Coffee?
- -- Coffee
- What's your:
- 22. Age?
- -- 20 .
- 23. Sign?
- -- Sign doesn't exist.
- 24. Height?
- -- we'll maybe 5 '3 ? haha.. am i fooling myself :P
- 25. Sexual orientation?
- -- What the hell is that?
- 26. Shoe size?
- -- 7 to 8 :D
- 27. Religion?
- -- i'm proud to be a christian.
- 28. Longest relationship?
- -- three years.. is not long.. forever may be..
- Opinion on:
- 29. Gay rights?
- -- God made only a man and a woman.. that's in the bible.. but there they are.. so ...
- 30. Second chances?
- -- Yeah..
- 31. Long distance relationships?
- -- Yeah.. i envy that kind of relationship..
- 32. Abortion?
- -- i absolutely disagre..!
- 33. The death penalty?
- -- No! every one has the right to live..
- 34. Marijuana ?
- -- no..
- 35. Love?
- God.
- Do you:
- 36. Believe in ghost?
- Before.. (but not anymore.) i'm a warrior of God.
- 37. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it?
- -- when it's a cold morning :D
- 38. Sleep with the door opened or closed?
- -- door closed.. :D
- 39. Love someone?
- -- Yes..
- 40. Still watch cartoons?
- --Yes :D
- 41. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- -- Yes,, and we're planning to get married :D
- 42. Like yourself?
- -- ask others.
Sana di ko nalang nilagyan ng picture :D